新北市 挪威森林精品SpaMotel(新店館)


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XȤjWG coca cola
iKG 2010-07-31 20:21:39

5days stay

hi good day, im from singapore, n want to stay in this motel for 5 days.
want to know how much your motel charge for 5 days?
do your motel accept 24hrs stay?
hope to hear your reply soon.tks

^ФG 2010-08-15 23:47:55


Firstly,we have different type of rooms,we can send our webside to you.our webside to you .If you are interested about our motel,we hope you can give us full information about date and time Thank you. we look forward to you
anwer.we will dscribe about your guestion.

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