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  貼文日期:2006-04-27 22:10:38
  來源 IP:
請問  心墅頂級旅館       
how to go?

Thanks you for your information.
That's really helpful.
Actually i had never been to taiwan before. and i wanna visit your motel in my trip.
how about if i take the train to "kwun yeung" station.(The last station of the blue line).
Then i better walk to your motel? or take a taxi?
and if i want to make an appointment before i come. How long before i should make the appointment? and can i make it via phone?


    心得回覆率約 76%
    網友 QA 詢問數量:189
    業者 QA 回覆數量:178
     QA 回覆率約 94%

IP 來自於:業者保密
答覆日期:2006-04-28 10:16:01
【摩鐵訊息】該業者經摩鐵網工作小組在 2007-12-12 詢問後,
來自 心墅頂級旅館 業者  在 2006-04-28 10:16:01 的回覆內容
Dear Mr. Fox,

Good morning.

Thank you for your reply.

That will be great if you plan to take the MRT (subway) to " Kwung Yeung Station." The distance between the station and our hotel is quite short. By taxi , it is only takes 5 minutes and its cost will be NTD 75. By walking , it takes 15-20 minutes.

We are pleasure and pleased to wait for you to make an appointment with us in any time. However, it might be cost a lot by overseas calls.

Please contact us if there is any further inquiries.
Looking forward your reply.

Thank you very much and hope you have nice day.

Best Regards,
Innlove Villa Motel.


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